Pet Health

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cats And Christmas

Cats And Christmastime

Meow to everyone! It is a cold day here in Tennessee. I am spending my time inside. My friend Smash agrees with me that it is a good day to curl up and stay warm.

My favorite place to be is in my skin mommy's lap while she is typing for me on the computer. My skin mommy takes good care of me. She feeds me, opens the door for me, pets me, and most of all loves me.

I heard her say we are getting a Christmas tree this Saturday. She is even going to bring it inside the house and put what she calls decorations on it. I don't know why people want to cut down a tree in the Spirit of Christmas and put the tree in the house when there are plenty of trees outside. Then again I am a cat and when the tree is in the house I have something new to explore.

I also remembered something else. People wrap boxes in pretty paper and put then under the tree that they cut down and bring inside. I wonder what will be under the tree for me and my friend Smash. I think I want some toys, and catnip. Smash says he would like a big juicy bone.

Well I am going to take a nap for now. I hope everyone has a great day, and remember to feed, pet, and love the cat. Meow!

1 comment:

  1. awesome post Link! Maybe you will get some catnip and Smash can get a pig ear
